Thursday, October 28, 2004

Crap Week

This has been a crap week. I'm sick of apartment management companies that completely extract any humanity out of the apartment "home" leasing process; I'm sick of stupid charity functions that are inadequately coordinated and when the stuff hits the fan, the chairperson passes the buck to me; I'm tired of my mother telling me "you aren't going to like this house, I already know it" with her lips pursed in a mother-knows-best manner...especially when she says that about every house I've looked at and every roommate I've checked out; I'm sick of my doggone cats (the ones that are supposed to be my comforting relief from the harsh, cold world) , peeing on my doggone down comforter right in the middle of my bed!; I'm sick of having a non-existent relationship with a guy who has been saying he will come see me since July; I'm sick of the American voting process (I stood in line for 45 minutes to vote for a guy that doesn't have a chance in hell of winning an electoral vote from Texas); I'm sick of ignorant and disrespectful people at work who assume I'm voting for W; I'm sick of closed-minded, arrogant, money-hungry people. I think that's a pretty good start to my list of greivances. I may elaborate more on them later, and then again I may not. I just need to get this week done with.


Blogger Dre said...

Sounds like you have had a crap week, what house do you want to live in that your mother thinks is a bad idea? I personally think it's an excellent idea..go for it!

5:43 PM  

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