Monday, November 01, 2004

Not only is text messaging confusing...

I've got this super-duty, industrial strength cell phone from Nextel. I love it. When I drop it down the stairs into a puddle of water, it doesn't even phase it. And we all know that after a night of drinking, it is very possible that both me and my cell phone could take a tumble down the stairs...

But the strange thing is I've been receiving an alert that someone is trying to walkie-talkie me. Nobody knows my walkie-talkie code. What could I possibly have to say to a stranger over walkie-talkie? That would be the most awkward conversation ever! It's kind of intriguing curiosity has gotten the best of me, and I think I will have to answer next time.

So I have this guy friend, Big Tony. He's called big Tony because he's 6'6", and me being a wee 5'3", we sometimes look a little funny hanging out together, but he's pretty cool. He has one very annoying habit that I can't seem to get around though. He uses the words "very" and "really" constantly- in every sentence he forms! And not only that, but he says it multiple times- "I really, really think we should go get something to eat." "This has been a very, very fun evening." "I really, really think the world is going to blow up tomorrow."

So Big Tony gets on my nerves sometimes. But I generally like conversing with him. He talks about history, philosophy, and the PBS channel, and he's very opinionated. So we are hanging out this one time, and Big Tony tells me he wants to have a baby with me. He says we wouldn't have to be together."

Not a good idea, Big Tony. In fact a VERY, VERY bad idea that would REALLY, REALLY piss my parents off for too many reasons to count.


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