Sunday, June 27, 2010

Life is a beautiful adventure. Even the tough parts.

So finally coming out of the post-breakup funk (after 1.5 years) and getting a little clarity about what all transpired, I can see that everything that happens in life is an opportunity to grow. And if we look at it with the adventurous spirit of a child with our hearts and minds open, then life unfolds in beautiful ways.

Does this cheesy inspirational message sound like its coming from someone who might have the "l" word at the tip of her lips again?? (And by "l" word, I am referring to love, not lesbian...which was never on the tip of my lips).

I was dating a myriad of successful, handsome men. Sometimes up to 4 different dates in one week. I was having a blast, but knew that none of them really provided that something special that made me feel like my last relationship had truly been a stepping stone to something better, deeper, more fulfilling. Until....


I was intrigued but unsure about him. I was ready to lump him with the others - great fun, but perhaps not a long-term match. And then this weekend, he went somewhere deeply intimate (this is not a sexual innuendo). He gently pried into why I had a wall up. And when I gave him my honest answer, he didn't run away. In fact, he hugged me harder and looked into my eyes more deeply.

I don't know where this is headed exactly, but I can tell you where you can find Arnaud and me this coming weekend. In the jungles of Costa Rica. Mmmm hmmm...where they only have solar electricity. At night it is so dark and so quiet, there really is only one pasttime for a young couple in their secluded bungalow...

And no, Niki, I will NOT come back married.


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