Sunday, June 04, 2006

Rudy, Rudy, Rudy, Rudy rockin' everywhere!

I'm baaaaccckkk! I'm the worst at maintaining communication. This I know. Slap me silly for it next time you see me. But in the meantime, check back in on my blog because I plan to keep regular updates coming.

The latest- I have a new boyfriend...can you really call him new after 7 months? Anyway, he's what I've always dreamed about...aaahhhhh...ain't it sweet? But seriously he is. He's a challenge. But has a heart of gold. Perhaps we were made from the same mold.

I have a new job- although again not so new anymore. It's a struggle some days, and other days it's a challenge- which I've already established that I like. I don't really care too much for the people. There's a lot of favoritism going around. But once some of that favoritism comes my way, then we're talking.

I miss my girlfriends. Two of them are headed off to Japan. I don't have a lot of girlfriends in this hemisphere (or in either hemisphere for that matter), and in a few months I will have one less. Geez.

I have new living arrangements. It's okay. Old house. Lots of character. And a total pain in my ass on most days. Nothing works like it should, so there's a lot of rigging things and jamming things and sometimes straight-up kicking things. And a whole lot of ignoring the nauseatingly dirty bathroom floor. But it's pointless to clean it, which I've done on my hands and knees, because it is nauseatingly gross again in 20 minutes.

I'm at a good place in my life. Things are settling down. I'm thinking about settling down. And then in the same breath I think about studying French in Paris or selling all my possessions and moving to Africa. I guess I better give this a little more thought.

And finally a bedtime thought before I doze off to sleep...

I've realized that we are all pawns of a greater network of greedy mother-fuckers. In general, the population is content to remain in the dark and deceived by these assholes. The world is set-up so that everything makes so much more sense if you just follow in line and do what everyone else does. Don't do it. That's not living, folks. Wake up. There is good in people, but we are so distracted by the line of bullshit that we are fed day in and day out that we choose to believe the worst in people. And they, in turn, live up to our expectations. One love. Peace.

Check back in on me...


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