Tuesday, November 09, 2004

On a more serious note...again! I promise my blog will lighten up!!

Thanks so much to my dear friend, Vanessa. For those who haven’t had the pleasure of meeting her, she was my roommate one year in college and more notably a most enlightening friend. When Vanessa speaks, she captivates. When Vanessa writes, she enthralls. She’s what you would call an “old soul”- wise beyond her years. I learned so much from her in the short time we lived together, and I’m so glad she shared her comments with me on my blog. You have all my respect, Vanessa.

I’m also very glad that she provided her view of things from where she stands. It’s so important to hear different views and to truly contemplate on them.

I hope anyone who speaks to me and who reads this blog knows that my purpose in sharing my thoughts is not to “convert” you to my way of thinking but simply to spark thought, to provoke a dialogue within your own self. I have no qualms conversing with others who hold differing opinions- in fact, most of my family (if not all) are probably arch-conservatives and Bush supporters. I don’t love them one ounce less, and I’m sure that they do not love me one ounce-less. The man I love more than any other is vociferously conservative (and a bit too hard-headed about it in my opinion), but there is not doubt in my mind that I love him to death.

My only desire is that you believe what you believe with conviction AND knowledge. I would be the first to admit that I do not know all there is to know on foreign policy or the inner-workings of our government, and I think those people who do know all about these things are few and far between- what is important is the constant pursuit of truth and goodness. And that is something I know without a doubt that my family, my loved ones, my friends all share.

As I told my father, I think we share the same hope for a good end result- we simply disagree on the path to take us there. So let us debate, let us search for answers, let us seek truth. And may we never stop.

Just one last thought/ opinion of mine in response to Vanessa’s comments- I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the majority of the servicemen and women in Iraq have noble pursuits. My question lies with the nobility of the administration, and I’m not sold on their true intentions. I just cannot connect all the dots, and it raises some major red flags for me.

But I would like to get away from the politics and discuss something more touching to my heart- Vanessa and her sweet babies and her husband, Bobby (also a former roommate of mine for a short while). Hang in there, Chubby Bumpkins! I love you, and I think of you often as well.


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