Wednesday, November 17, 2004

O Happy Day

Finally, blog is working again. I had to change my format, and my links are gone. But no worries.

Now I can finish telling about my new boots. Very nice. Black leather. Knee high. Very high heel. Typical Rudy-wear. I must find a good club to go to show them off. And big Tony cannot come along. He's wearing on my last nerve these days. After someone offers to have a baby with you and you refuse, there's really no where to go from there.

So I joined a book club. I am such a dork, I know. Our first book is called The Demon-Haunted World. It's about the lack of understanding and the lack of desire to understand science that is leading to an overwhelming interest in mysticism and radical dogmatic views. The author (Carl Sagan, a leading scientist) explains away many popular stories (think the National Enquirer) that (in general) educated people with scientific knowledge realize are totally and completely irrational, but that the dumbed-down masses subscribe to. He purports that the masses want technological advances, but they do not want to understand how or why these advances are so. Thus leading to an unstable society and threatening democratic institutions.

Not really a book I would pick off the shelf. But that's why book clubs are good. They expose you to thoughts, ideas, views that are not anything you would encounter on your own.

I have a secret confession. I've been snapping random pictures of my cats. My friend, Lisa, does this with her guinea pigs. It makes me feel self-conscious. Is this the most exciting thing that I have to do with my evenings? The sad fact of the matter is that yes, yes it is.

Tim is out of Ghirradelli chocolate squares. This could possibly make work unbearable today. My stash of chocolate in my desk is depleted. What to do? Will have to find a gullible guy to buy me chocolate...Will keep you posted.


Blogger Cameron said...

I approve of your new format! (But then, I'm admittedly biased.)

12:46 PM  

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