Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Awww, who's that I see? Pouty McPouterson?

So I got stood up on Wednesday...well, not exactly. My friend called and said that he was going out on a date instead. I guess that's to be expected when you have a "platonic" friendship with someone of the opposite sex. They bail on you if they have the potential of getting smudgy with someone new. I would have done the same thing...

So that got my Thanksgiving weekend off to a bummed start. I joined my family for a very sober holiday weekend that got to jumping very quickly. My dad makes these comments that I think he knows are going to get under my skin- I've tried to hold me tongue, but I can't- I can have a really big mouth sometime- ask my sister, she'll tell you.

My dad says that he can't wait until he becomes president so that he can clear up the true definition of the word "hero."

Me: "Hero" has a personal meaning to be defined as the person wishes.

Dad: Okay, well today "asparagus" means whatever I want it to mean.

Me: Don't be ridiculous.

Dad: Exactly, you're argument is ridiculous.

Me: You can only see the world one way and that's it. Your way or no way! You don't own the word "hero!" I hope you become president too so you can turn it into a dictatorship and get everything you want!

That's when mom came in yelling at both of us not to start this banter today.

Then I just felt bad...

Am I too rough on my dad? Yes. Has he been a little harsh on me through the years? Yes.

My family really isn't very affectionate. We show our love through sarcastic comments and poking fun at each other. At this point in my life, I wouldn't have it any other way. The laughter rarely stops when we are together, but every now and then somebody's comment touches home and all of the sudden it seems like the family's fun has been at the expense of somebody's feelings. Oh well...

We forgive and forget easily.

But here's something I'm not going to forget easily. I got the following email from the book club I joined.

Thanks very much for your interest in _________ Book Club!

It was the first time a host has entertained so many interested parties. I had fun, and it was great to have such enthusiasm. I was particularly impressed that all three of you got the book beforehand.

In discussions about what we wanted to have happen with the continuation of the Book Club, the consensus was that we would like to remain static at the current participation of about six.

However, we'd be delighted to see the Book Club site serve to put people together so they can find, join, or form book clubs all over.

I have just implemented a message board which can address this need.

Please check out this link: ___________________

or just go to and click on "Book Club Finder" graphic.

Thanks again - the November, 2004 meeting will be long remembered!

Please let me know if you have any questions :)

What is this? Rejection from a book club? That's great. Even nerds don't want to hang out with me.

Okay, enough pouting- doing something about it. Myself and the other two girls have agreed to start our own book club as suggested. I will deal with this like a mature adult.

(Our book club will be better. Nana Nana Boo Boo!)


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