Thursday, November 18, 2004

Random Memory

Today we had snack-day at work. I brought a fruit tray, guacamole, and spinach dip. And I ate cookies, baklava, spinach dip, fruit with cream cheese dip, a sandwich, guacamole, kolache, fritos, some fried thingies that I'm still not sure what they were, spinach/artichoke dip...Needless to say, I have a tummy ache. Please let this day be over. My stomach is so talking to me.

Not only do I have a tummy ache- I also have a sugar rush, and I don't want to do my work. So I'm blogging to avoid all the mounds of paper on my desk.

I had this random memory today from my study abraod trip to Germany several years ago. We met these army guys in Bayeux, France, and they followed us to Germany. They wanted to take my friend and me out on a date. Actually, my friend and one of the guys had a love-at-first-sight attraction; myself and the other armydog were more or less 3rd and 4th wheels. So they took us to this secluded castle back in the countryside. We had to drive probably 30 minutes on the Autobahn, and then we drove up this long winding road to the castle. And just like you would imagine a German castle, it was dark and eerie. There was a restaurant that was all foo-foo. We ate. We roamed around. Awkward for me and 4th wheel. We carved our name into a wall while the other two were making out. (No, we weren't vandalizing. Or maybe we were, but there were many more names there before me!) Then we heard music. We followed the sound. It took us way off to the other side of the castle. We ducked under this "Do not trespass" sign. It looked like a motorcycle rally. Lots of really big bikes and big burly people walking in and out of the party. We couldn't quite make out the song (figured it would be some German hit), but it looked like a jammin' party. A big tent with lots of people. Every now and then they would all shout, yell, scream in a festive sort of way. And as we inched closer, we recognized the song- Mustang Sally. And all these people were singing it with a German accent. It was strange. Kind of funny and kind of scary.


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