Thursday, November 18, 2004

Blogs of Interest

When I'm sitting at my desk at work, bored to tears, looking out at the smog-filled sky, there are very few things that make my eyes light up with joy. Here are a few:

1. Tim with Ghiradelli chocolate and sometimes Tim without chocolate so long as he has a really funny story or thought to share with me. Just an aside about Tim- he thinks up these really long, elaborate analogies for virtually everything. I'll have to try to remember some and share them on my blog. But usually they are so long and involved that I generally zone out a few minutes into the analogy and zone back in as he's TRYING to relay its relevance to my situation.

2. Tim smashing into the wall while on his trek to the shared printer- words do not do justice to the hilarity of this.

3. Stumbling upon interesting blogs while cruising the internet (which is of course against office policy): Daily thought from Thoreau - Fellow Houstonian that I have never met but seems interesting and makes me laugh Really, really funny. I love his line in his profile about tape'o'worms. Again don't know the person, but that strange of me to be interested in all these people's lives? Sort of voyeuristic, eh? Another thoughtful commentary that makes me say hmmm - Really hilarious. Sort of reminds me of a Sex and the City commentary, except she's a teacher. This one is for the girls. Read the Halloween "wussies" post. Lisa's brother's blog. Exceptionally well written with depth and openness. Love it. A foulmouthed, inaccurate, opinionated little southerner. Enter The Nation.- Yet another blog that keeps me rolling. Read the post "Powell's out- Countries to invade." Super-creative, super-sassy! Go, girl!


Blogger mz said...


Sure, you can put a link to my blog.


9:47 AM  
Blogger Sylvana said...

I have dpnation on my blog review site, too. I like sassy girls, because I'm one too!

8:03 PM  

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